About Us
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Our Story
A fan since the original TV anime, it was love at first episode when turning on Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. The Curator couldn't get enough. Rapidly buying up any and all Fate merchandise that could be found, quickly it was realized there was no theme to the collection. Enter Fate/Stay Night: Realta Nua. After reading the visual novel a new obsession and theme was found. Speedily pivoting direction, the collection neared completion. In 2019 friends started wanting help with achieving their own collection goals.
In November of 2020, Fate Merch was born.

Our Mission
The mission at Fate Merch is simple - to provide high-quality and hand-curated TYPE-MOON merchandise for passionate fans to help them realize their collection goals at a reasonable price.

The Founder
Usually going by "LewdsTV" online, Chris was the original Curator for Fate Merch. Chris also spends time as a entertainer on Twitch as a Partnered broadcaster where he plays games, provides anime commentary and provides live coverage of anime conventions. He has also amassed what may be the largest collection of Matou Sakura merchandise ever.
Taylor D. and Taylor L. of The T House Imports strive to continue what Chris started by providing quality merchandise with a personal touch. Both Taylors are long-time Fate fans, and they can often be seen at conventions in the DC area and along the East Coast.